Privacy and Security



Dear Site Visitors, Customers, Members;

We would like to inform you about our Privacy Rules, Communications, Site Terms of Use and our practices regarding the Processing of your Personal Data and your rights under the Personal Data Protection Law.

Regarding our company and our website, the confidentiality of visitor-member-customer (hereinafter referred to as Visitor(s)) information, protection, storage, processing-use-destruction of personal data (information), commercial electronic communications and other matters, The Privacy Rules-Policy and Application-Terms of Use, the current principles of which are stated below, are valid. requests some of your personal information (name, age, telephone, e-mail, etc.) in order to provide better service to its customers and to inform you about current campaigns.

This information collected on servers is used only within for periodic campaign studies, designing special promotional activities for customer profiles and customer "classification" studies for the transmission of unsolicited SMS and e-mails. does not share the information collected from membership forms with third parties without the knowledge of the member in question or any other instruction, and does not use or sell it for commercial purposes for any reason other than its activity. analyzes and interprets visitor movements and preferences that it monitors what you do during your site visit, in addition to the personal information requested in e-mail addresses and membership forms.

All information entered by the customer into the system can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is duly requested by the official authorities and in cases where it is obliged to make a disclosure to the official authorities in accordance with the mandatory legislation in force.

Only the Customer can access all information entered by the Customer into the system and only the Customer can change this information.


Protection of Information

Necessary precautions for the security of the information and transactions given and obtained by the visitors have been taken by our Company or the relevant organization in the systems and internet infrastructure, within the technological possibilities and cost factors, with appropriate technical and administrative methods, depending on the nature of the information and transaction.

When you use our site, all credit card transactions and approvals (if any) are carried out online between you and the relevant Bank or Card Institutions, independently of our Company, and information such as credit card "password" is not seen and recorded by our Company.

Information entered for membership to our site, purchasing products/services (if any) and updating information, as well as confidential information regarding credit and debit cards, cannot be viewed by other internet users.

Information Collection Methods, Purpose of Processing-Transfer and Personal Data Processing

Our Company may partially/completely destroy (delete, destroy or anonymise) personal information in accordance with the relevant legislation and within the periods stipulated in the personal data storage-destruction policies. They can stop the processing of personal data and/or commercial electronic communications to their parties by following the procedures. According to clear notification-requests in this regard, personal data processing and/or communications to the party for the specified channels are stopped within the legal maximum period (personal data processing and communications that are possible, required or obliged by law continue). If the visitor wishes, his/her information, other than that which is legally required and/or possible to be kept, is deleted or destroyed from the data recording system or anonymized in a way that does not identify him/her to achieve the same purpose. Applications and requests regarding these matters will be fulfilled within the legal maximum periods or may not be accepted by explaining the legal reason to the party (Relevant legal rights are reserved).



The information that visitors obtain from our Site or from other sites / mobile applications / all kinds of notifications linked to our Site and from other units-mediums belonging to our Company, can be recorded, stored, kept, preserved, made available, used, in written / magnetic archives within and outside of electronic communication, updating, changing, merging, rearranging, classifying, disclosing, sharing (inside or outside the country) by the above-mentioned persons/organizations, transmission, transfer, destruction (destruction, deletion or anonymization) and other methods in accordance with the law. can be processed and transferred (hereinafter referred to as "processing" or "transaction(e)" to refer to them all together).


Application of Cookies (Cookies, etc.) on Our Site

Various types of cookies are used on our site. These are cookies such as session cookies, persistent cookies, mandatory cookies, functionality cookies, analysis cookies, commercial cookies and third party cookies.

Cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning and development of the visited website, to personalize and improve the user experience, to visit sites without logging in and/or to send commercial-social notifications to the party (which can be seen even if the internet browser and/or the relevant mobile application is closed, depending on the situation) and In general, they are small pieces of data placed on computers and mobile devices in order to provide general or customized information, advertisements and promotions to site users-visitors, both on the relevant site and on other sites (including social media-networks and online advertising networks).

Cookies are kept on computers and devices for a period appropriate to the purpose, provided that the legal maximum period, if any, is not exceeded.

Visitors who use our site are deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned practice, as well as the processing of relevant cookies for the purposes and within the scope and conditions stipulated for your various information in the personal data legislation and other parts of this information text (including their transfer, sharing and usage of third parties within this framework).

Visitors can remove cookies and/or stop the notifications in question at any time by editing the settings of the program and/or operating system and/or internet browser on their devices (it should be noted that in this case, our Site/relevant device/program may not work as desired and/or they may not be informed of the notification contents).



Our Company communicates with our visitors in accordance with the law, for the purposes of promotion, advertising, communication, promotion, sales and marketing of all kinds of products and services, as well as store card, credit card and membership/customer information, transactions and applications. notification, automatic call, computer, telephone, e-mail/mail, fax, all kinds of notifications (if open on your device), bluetooth, beacon-all kinds of other public-private wireless networks and other electronic communication tools and social, commercial and other electronic communications can be made, commercial electronic messages can be sent to visitors.


Your Processed - Transferred Personal Data and Your Legal Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

Dear Visitor, name, surname, nickname, age/date of birth, gender, marital status, date of marriage, child status, means of transportation owned, region of residence, address and delivery address, education level, profession/job, cultural, artistic, sportive. , holiday etc. Demographic member/user/customer information such as interests-hobbies and habits, private-official identity, identification number. and tax information, photographs, video recordings (for security purposes) and call center call audio recordings, information, promotions and advertisements regarding shopping habits for all kinds of products and services, including clothing, as well as the decisions they make within the framework of all kinds of suggestions and all kinds of transactions and activities they take accordingly. Visitors are responsible for the application and its consequences.

Since we cannot know the legal/actual capacity status of any Site Visitor, the responsibility for the use, information and processing of children and other minors belongs to their legal representatives, and they may exercise their rights regarding their personal data (and communications, as the case may be) through their legal representatives.

Purchases and Other Consumer Transactions

If the visitors are informed through the methods mentioned above and/or purchase a product/service as a result of the communications, information, notifications, promotions and advertisements made to them, the said transaction already mentioned is also subject to the consumer agreement they will make with the relevant seller/provider in accordance with the law. The consumer contract is implemented on its own terms and between the parties.

When you shop on our site, the terms of the order pre-information form and distance sales agreement that you will see during each transaction will apply.



Our company reserves the right to make any changes it may deem necessary on issues such as privacy, personal data storage-use and destruction policy and Site terms of use, as well as the products, services and opportunities, campaigns etc. it will offer; These changes become effective as soon as they are announced by our Company on the Site or other appropriate methods.


Payment Security

In addition, "Secure Socket Layers" (SSL) technology is used to secure your purchases on Thanks to our 128 bit SSL certificate, your personal information is encrypted and sent.

Your credit card information requested on the payment page is not seen or kept on the servers of or the companies that serve it, in order to keep the security of our valued customers who shop on the site at the highest level.

In this way, all payment transactions are made between the bank and your computer via the interface.


You can shop 100% securely on our site with a 128 Bit SSL security certificate.

Best regards,

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.